Last Sunday while running the front of house audio for the second service, I looked at my arm as in the picture on this post.…
Learning who I am - a journey through faith
Last Sunday while running the front of house audio for the second service, I looked at my arm as in the picture on this post.…
His hurt, pain, and depression did not go away. It is transferred to me. Maybe this is a law of conservation, but not one of…
Today is 1000 days, very nearly thirty-three months, since Caleb died. Some people think I should be over it and move on. Some people think…
A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. – Luke 10:30 I am like the Traveler. Stumbling down the road, weary from the long…
Merry Christmas. What does this mean? The Webster dictionary says it is an idiom used to wish someone an enjoyable Christmas holiday. Grammatically it is…
Here is a brutally honest truth most people do not know about me. I am not happy about this being true; it just is. I…
I am sorry it has been so long since I have written. A friend’s post about why she writes on suicide prodded me to come…
Every day without my son is difficult. The ninth and tenth of each month are harder. When these days fall on a Saturday or Sunday,…
I have wrestled with this blog post while trying to decide if I should write on this topic yet again. People seem to not be…
Homer’s Iliad tells of a man, Sisyphus, forced to roll a boulder up a hill in the depths of Hades for eternity. Each time the…